Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Cocktails

In the conclusion to Casey and Finn's story, we discover Finn's secret and what happens when it gets out. If you haven't read TALK TO ME, you must in order to read this book.

Finn's secret is finally revealed to Casey, but it's not so much the story that front seat in their romance, but the conniving producer and Finn's ex-girlfriend that cause issues. Secrets are leaked, accusations fly, denials said but in the end it was the relationship between Casey and Finn that took the beating. Not because of Finn's secret, but because of the lack of trust between the two of them.

I could see why Finn would be upset with Casey, but I would think he would have understood what proving herself meant to Casey. He may not have liked being the subject of her investigation, but I'd think he'd talk it out with her rather than cutting off communication or being hostile.

Poor Casey didn't know what to do. She was confused about Finn's ex, confused about her relationship with Finn and hurt that her boss would turn things around on her the way he did. And while I applaud her for trying to make things right for Finn, at least professionally, she didn't do a whole lot to plead her case on a personal level.

In the end, I did like this story, but I wished their would have been more between Finn and Casey. More of them fighting their way back to each other, talking, yelling, just something to work this out.

This was an entertaining series with a very interesting premise as to why a professional athlete might retire so young. If you like your sports romance with a bit of a twist, definitely pick this one up.

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  • 23 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 June, 2014: Reviewed