Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3: Guardians Disassembled by Brian Michael Bendis

Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3: Guardians Disassembled

by Brian Michael Bendis

With the entire galaxy gunning for the Guardians and Star-Lord missing, it's time to bring in a little help. But as the Guardians of the Galaxy get ready for new members Venom and Captain Marvel, unexpected dangers arise that promise to tear the team to its core! Where is Star-Lord, and what does his disappearance mean for Earth? Can he survive without the Guardians? Plus, two special stories by former Guardians writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning!

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

I'm still new to Guardians of the Galaxy with this being my first series to read and this volume being my 2nd read for this team. I liked it and seeing where all the team ended up and how they got out of it. I loved the Angela and Gamora pages and those two are awesome when together. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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  • 16 September, 2020: Reviewed