Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley

Supreme Courtship

by Christopher Buckley

When a television judge ends up on the Supreme Court, romance and the fate of a presidential election take center stage in this comic political satire.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

Buckley is back, this time taking on the Supreme Court. The set-up revolves around a TV court judge who gets nominated to the Supreme Court after the President gets pissed about his two previous nominees being turned down (one for a report on To Kill A Mockingbird from his elementary school days).

I enjoyed Supreme Courtship more than Buckley's last two novels, possibly because I'm just a little obsessed with the Supreme Court. It moved quickly as absurd situation after absurd situation piled on top of each other. Buckley is always a brilliant satirist, but he really topped himself with comments that are all too relevant to our current political climate. It will be interesting to see how this book reads in 20 years.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 September, 2008: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2008: Reviewed