Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews

Fate's Edge (Edge, #3)

by Ilona Andrews

Audrey Callahan left behind her life in the Edge, and she's determined to stay on the straight and narrow. But when her brother gets into hot water, the former thief takes on one last heist and finds herself matching wits with a jack of all trades...

Kaldar Mar-a gambler, lawyer, thief, and spy-expects his latest assignment tracking down a stolen item to be a piece of cake, until Audrey shows up. But when the item falls into the hands of a lethal criminal, Kaldar realizes that in order to finish the job, he's going to need Audrey's help...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

3 of 5 stars

While I adored the first two books, this one wasn't as good. However I did enjoy seeing more of the boys. That was worth the entire read. This one just wasn't as exciting as the first two, but it doesn't deter me from the series so that on its own was worth reading this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Reviewed