Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I will admit that I had a “moment” when reading Her Delicious Dragon. As I started reading, I was thinking to myself “Ned seems awfully familiar” but I couldn’t place him. It was when he was telling Maya about his past that the darn light bulb went “Ding”. Ned was the bellhop in Alpha’s Domain and Alpha’s Christmas Flame. The bellhop that I thought, for some reason, was a teenager. Don’t ask me why I thought that. I just assumed it (remember that old saying about assuming…..yeah).

Ned was a sweetheart in this book. I mean, what guy would not make a move on a girl in the middle of an orgy. Ned!!! He was also somewhat of a pacifist (I say somewhat because he did see action in the first book) and he could cook. My mouth was watering at the descriptions of what he baked and I thought to myself “I wish he was real. I would kidnap him and keep him in my kitchen”. Then thought “Yeah, BK would LOVE that”….lmao.

Maya was not your typical tiger shifter. Tiger shifters banged anything with two legs (or more) and did not believe in monogamy but Maya, well she was different. I did like her but she came off as prickly in the beginning of the book. Real prickly but it was explained why she was the way she was and it made sense.

The sex, as always, was insanely hot. I really enjoyed the talons and claws that were used to shred clothing. Not torn off but shredded. Always a sign of great sex….lol.

The Puff storyline was in full force and of course, the Dragon High Council made a big appearance towards the end. Which made me think….what else could they have up their sleeves?

How many stars will I give Her Delicious Dragon: 4

Why: A great book with hot sex scenes and a fantastic storyline.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex, violence and language

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 2 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 February, 2017: Reviewed