The Tempting of Thomas Carrick by Stephanie Laurens

The Tempting of Thomas Carrick (CYNSTER, #22)

by Stephanie Laurens

Thomas Carrick, wealthy owner of Carrick Enterprises located in bustling Glasgow, is one of that city's most eligible bachelors. He fully intends to select an appropriate wife from the many young ladies paraded before him--yet no young lady captures his eye, much less his attention, in the way Lucilla Cynster does. For over two years, Thomas has avoided his clan's estate because it borders Lucilla's home, but disturbing reports from his clansmen force him to return to the countryside, only to discover that his uncle, the laird, is ailing, a clan family is desperately ill, and the clan healer is unconscious and dying. Duty to the clan leaves Thomas no choice but to seek help from the last woman he wants to face. Strong-willed and passionate, Lucilla has been waiting for Thomas to return and claim his rightful place by her side. He is the only man for her, just as she is his one true love. And, at last, he's back. Thomas can never forget Lucilla, much less the connection that seethes between them, but to marry her would mean embracing a life he's adamant he does not want. Lucilla remains as determined as only a Cynster can be to fight for the future she knows can be theirs.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

He really didn't appear to have much choice, despite his flailing.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2017: Reviewed