The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)

by Rick Riordan

Carter and Sadie have nothing in common but their parents: their father Dr. Julius Kane, a brilliant Egyptologist, and their mother, a famed archaeologist who died under mysterious circumstances when they were young. The siblings barely know each other, but one night, their father brings them together at the British Museum, promising a 'research experiment' that will set things right for their family. His plans go horribly wrong. An explosion unleashes an ancient evil - the Egyptian god Set who banishes Dr. Kane to oblivion and forces the children to flee for their lives. Now orphaned, Carter and Sadie must embark on a dangerous quest - from Cairo to Paris to the American Southwest, to save their father and stop Set from destroying everything they care about...

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Riordan has done it again, and I'm very happy he has. This book (and series) has the same premise as the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series, there are gods from ancient cultures who need the help of 'godlings' to protect the world and their way of life. It's different enough that it provides something new to the world and similar enough that if you loved Percy Jackson there is a great chance you'll love this too. There are even moments where they will mention the Greek/Roman gods, but very vaguely and you'll only get the hints if you've read the other book. The concept of the gods having to use human forms is really interesting and the premise of battle magic avatars is pretty much awesome. On a side note I am so thankful that someone finally portrayed Anubis in a positive light, western culture has a nasty habit of making him look evil.Anyway I sincerely look forward to the next in the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2011: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2011: Reviewed