Holding You by Kelly Elliott

Holding You (Love Wanted in Texas, #3)

by Kelly Elliott

Lauren Reynolds wanted only two things in life - to run her father's horse breeding business and to be with Colt Mathews. Fearing Colt would take her position within the family business, she tried to push him far away from her heart.

When life could no longer keep Lauren and Colt apart, their two worlds became one. Every second of every moment, they spent together. Their love bloomed into something neither of them imagined - a bond so strong Lauren and Colt believed nothing would ever stand in their way.

However, life threw a cruel twist into Colt and Lauren's planned happily-ever-after. Will fate let them live out the life they dreamed of, or will one of them be alone forever?

Book Three in the Love Wanted in Texas series

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

HOLDING YOU is the story of Lauren and Colt.  These two had been in love with each (without the other one really knowing) for a while, but stubbornness and misunderstandings have stood in their way.  But one dance at their best friend's wedding changes everything for these two.

I haven't read the other books in this series, but it was pretty easy to pick up the dynamic between Colt and Lauren.  They loved each, yet let things they'd made up in their own minds deter them from pursuing what they really wanted.  And while I may not have believed one kiss on the dance floor was going to make everyone forget the fights and other nonsense, I was glad to see them get out of their own way.  Would I have immediately jumped into bed with Colt instead of talking things through?  Probably not.  But it worked for this couple and got them to the point they needed to be.

This was a quick read that helped occupying a couple of hours.  Colt and Lauren are young and they could get on my nerves, but in the end Kelly Elliott gave us a couple we could get behind.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 April, 2015: Reviewed