Reviewed by anastasia on

3 of 5 stars

Full Review on my blog!

I started this book and wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. I found it slow and took a while to get into the story, at one point I did stop reading, and kinda didn't want to continue reading it.. but I’m glad I did finish it.

Just Like You Said It Would Be, tells the story of Amira that lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but is sent to Dublin to spend the summer with family while her parents are on vacation trying to mend their marriage. Amira is soon introduced to Darragh, one of her cousin Zoey’s band mates, and I love/hate relationship quickly ensues. Regardless of the tension between them and attempts at only being friends, they soon find themselves confiding in one another, spending a lot of time together, and eventually they fall in love. They fall in love right at the end of summer, when Amira has to fly back home. But they reconnect, many months later when they both attend a wedding.

The story is beautifully written, and just so amazing. The chemistry between Amira and Darragh is sooo goood :3

I highly recommend reading it!

*a copy was provided by the Author, through Xpresso Book Tours*

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  • Started reading
  • 23 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 23 March, 2017: Reviewed