Waiting for Tom Hanks by Kerry Winfrey

Waiting for Tom Hanks

by Kerry Winfrey

A rom-com-obsessed romantic waiting for her perfect leading man learns that life doesn’t always go according to a script in this delightfully charming and funny novel.

Annie Cassidy dreams of being the next Nora Ephron. She spends her days writing screenplays, rewatching Sleepless in Seattle, and waiting for her movie-perfect meet-cute. If she could just find her own Tom Hanks—a man who’s sweet, sensitive, and possibly owns a houseboat—her problems would disappear and her life would be perfect. But Tom Hanks is nowhere in sight.

When a movie starts filming in her neighborhood and Annie gets a job on set, it seems like a sign. Then Annie meets the lead actor, Drew Danforth, a cocky prankster who couldn’t be less like Tom Hanks if he tried. Their meet-cute is more of a meet-fail, but soon Annie finds herself sharing some classic rom-com moments with Drew. Her Tom Hanks can’t be an actor who’s leaving town in a matter of days...can he?

Reviewed by Rowena on

2 of 5 stars

It took me forever to read this book because I had to keep taking breaks. The heroine annoyed me from the beginning of this book to the end. She was just....something else. I couldn't deal with her but I did really like everyone else in this book, even Annie's Uncle's D&D group. Everyone else was fabulous and honestly, I think Chloe should have been the heroine in this book cause I adored her. I really liked Drew too but had no clue what the heck he saw in Annie's dumbass. I thought this book was going to be super cute but nope.

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  • 14 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2019: Reviewed