Ruby by Virginia Andrews

Ruby (Landry S., v. 1) (New Virginia Andrews S.)

by Virginia Andrews

In the heart of the bayou, Ruby Landry lives a simple, happy life. But innocence can't last forever...
The only family Ruby Landry has ever known are her loving guardian, Grandmere Catherine, a Cajun spiritual healer, and her drunken, outcast Grandperb Jack. Although thinking about her dead mother and mysterious father sometimes makes her feel as mournful as the wind sighing through the Spanish moss, Ruby is grateful for all she has. Her life is filled with hope and promise...especially when her attraction for handsome Paul Tate blossoms into a mysterious, wonderful love. But Paul's wealthy parents forbid him to associate with a poor Landry, and Grandmere urges her to follow her dream of becoming a great painter, foreseeing a time when Ruby will be surrounded with riches in the dazzling city of New Orleans! Yet she cannot know how close that uncertain future looms....
In a faded photograph, Ruby glimpses for the first time the image of her father -- and learns of a shameful deception and a shocking scheme of blackmail that now must come to light. Stunned by these revelations, she is devastated when Grandmere dies, leaving her to seek out her father in his vast New Orleans mansion. There, in a house of lies, madness, and cruel torment, Ruby clings to her memories of Paul to keep her heart alive. For only their love can save her now....

Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

This wasn’t bad, but I felt like things wrapped up a little too quickly and easily at the end. One second the girl’s getting locked up, the next, everything’s hunky dory. I’ll be interested in seeing how things continue in the next book — if it takes. Otherwise, I like it. And is it just me, or is the cover of every V.C. Andrews book hugely entertaining?

This is actually the first V.C. Andrews book I’ve read. I happen to have this whole series (for once), courtesy of my dad’s house cleaning.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2006: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2006: Reviewed