Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

Inner Demons is the second book in the Peachville High series by Sarra Cannon, and just as good as the first! Once again, I couldn't put the book down. The first book, Beautiful Demons, ended with an excellent cliffhanger and I couldn't wait to get back into the world of Harper Madison! I like the fact that I can't entirely figure out everything that is going on and where things are going within the story. Just when I get to the point of thinking I know which side is good and which is evil, there is an unexpected twist that complete changes that for me. I absolutely love being surprised by a book and I like the fact that the good vs. evil theme is somewhat ambiguous in the series so far.

Sarra's writing has a way of snaring you from the opening sentence and fully keeping your attention throughout the book. Her descriptions are vivid and graphic without being overly so, a perfect balance. She brings the characters to life and makes the reader feel as though they are friends with the characters. Harper is an extremely likeable girl that is easy to relate to, and Lark is one of my favorites of the supporting roles. Drake, while protrayed as a bit of an obnoxious jerk, is completely believable as well. I love when an author can create totally realistic characters in the midde of a paranormal story.

4.5 mugs for this one! And, once again, Inner Demons, left me with another surprising cliffhanger that makes me frustrated I have to wait a whole day for the next book, Bitter Demons, due to be released tomorrow!!

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  • Started reading
  • 23 February, 2011: Finished reading
  • 23 February, 2011: Reviewed