Iced by Felix Francis


by Felix Francis


'Felix Francis' novels gallop along splendidly' Jilly Cooper
‘From winning post to top of the bestseller lists’ Sunday Times

Miles Pussett is a former steeplechase jockey. Now he gets his adrenalin rush from riding down the Cresta Run, a three-quarter-mile Swiss ice chute, head first, reaching speeds of up to eighty miles per hour.
Finding himself in St Moritz during the same weekend as White Turf, when high-class horseracing takes place on the frozen lake, he gets talked into helping out with the horses. It is against his better judgement. Seven years before, Miles left horseracing behind and swore he would never return. 

When he discovers something suspicious is going on in the races, something that may have a profound impact on his future life, Miles begins a search for answers. But someone is adamant to stop - and they'll go to any lengths to do it . . . 

Praise for Felix Francis's novels

‘As usual with a Francis, once I opened the book, I didn’t want to put it down… Felix’s resolution is darker and more shocking than his father would ever have contemplated, but reflects grittier times and changing tastes in fiction’ Country Life
‘He has become his own man as a purveyor of murder mysteries' The Racing Post
'The Francis flair is clear for all to see' Daily Mail
'From winning post to top of the bestseller list, time after time' Sunday Times
'The master of suspense and intrigue' Country Life
'A tremendous read' Woman's Own

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Iced is a self contained mystery thriller in the style of Dick Francis and ghost written by his son Felix Francis. Due out 12th July 2022 from Crooked Lane Books, it's 326 pages and will be available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. Paperback due out 1st quarter 2023. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

The book is engaging and readable with an action driven plot told in parallel first person PoV through flashbacks and the current day, timelines which converge in St. Mortiz with protagonist Miles drawn back into the equestrian world he had walked away from years earlier.

The characterizations are very well rendered, with believable three dimensional characters and dialogue which is never clunky or overwrought. The descriptions of the very disparate sports of tobogganing and horse racing on the flat ice, are well written and rich in small details. The climax, denouement, and resolution were well written and satisfying.

For fans of la famille Francis, this is a solid addition to the artists' oeuvre. It's full of beautiful scenery, set in the middle of the winter and would make a nice read for beating the heat. The language and some of the action is a bit rough and gritty, so it's not a completely innocent cozy read. There is some potentially triggering content in the form of frank discussions of eating disorders, mental health, athlete exploitation, etc.

Three and a half stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 10 July, 2022: Reviewed