Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

The story of Bree, Hawke and Nicolas continues with SINFUL REWARDS 4. In this installment, Bree goes back home to spend the day helping her mother and Hawke goes along for the ride. Bree accepts a proposal from Lona. And Bree finds herself at a crossroads between what she thought she wanted and what she really does.

What I enjoyed about this episode in the series, is the Bree is finally starting to realize that plans change. She had this plan laid out on how she was going to make a better life for herself and her mother. Where they'd have security and never have to wonder if they'd have a home tomorrow or it there was going to be food on the table. It took a trip back home, spending the day with her mother and Hawke in the diner where her mother worked to understand that sometimes the best laid plans aren't always the best for us. She's still not ready to let go, but she's starting to understand that while Nicolas may be the most eligible bachelor in Chicago and he may have set his sights on her, she may not be the most important thing in his life once she lands him....and that's something she very much wants and needs.

I have to admit, I'm pulling for Hawke. There is so much more to this man (which I can't wait to finally have revealed) and I have this feeling, in my gut, that he's going to be the best of both worlds for our heroine Bree.

SINFUL REWARDS 5 is out November 18th, so I'll have to sit and wait for what comes next. I have a feeling Bree's world is about to change in a big way.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2014: Reviewed