The Slightest Provocation by Pam Rosenthal

The Slightest Provocation

by Pam Rosenthal

Sensual historical romance from an award-winning author

Mary Penley and Kit Stansell were secret friends who became adolescent lovers and eloped. But the marriage didn't survive. Now nine years later, Mary and Kit meet again, where intense desire leads them to rekindle their physical relationship. But Kit is devoted to maintaining social order, and once again finds himself at odds with Mary-a reformer who is appalled by the repressive government. When a political conspiracy forces them to work together, they have a second chance to reconcile their differences...and create a future together.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

4 of 5 stars

One of the surprising, great books that I hoped to find. It’s almost Regency-era Hepburn and Tracy, where love is shown by breaking things and storming, and the more hotheaded the tempers the truer and deeper the love. Kudos to Rosenthal for writing so quickly to the heart of the matter, where it’s not overblown drama, or spoiled, impetuous children, but two reasonable adults who know very well that the fact they’re antagonists means they’re made for each other. It’s a difficult dynamic to pull off, and I think it’s more difficult in books than in movies.

More evidence too that if you romance me, do it with agrarian politics. I’m liking these stories where the marriage is already in place and it’s just a matter of growing older and wiser. The reveal in the epilogue is sweet, simple, perfect.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 May, 2017: Reviewed