Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

GIANT DAYS: AS TIME GOES BY #1 is out this Wednesday from Boom! Box and gives fans the chance to have an emotional goodbye with the characters we’ve come to know and love. This issue concludes that saga known as Giant Days.

Giant Days: As Time Goes By #1 brings with it the conclusion to a much loved series. As such, it’s pretty much a given that this issue will be bittersweet. But it goes above and beyond with our expectations; giving us one final escapade before the door closes forever.

We all knew that Giant Days was set to end eventually. After all, Daisy, Esther, and Susan could only stay in school for so long (though Susan is still begrudgingly in school). In a way, it’s nice knowing that the creative team behind Giant Days didn’t decide to stretch the series for all it was worth. But it’s still sad to see this series go.

For many comic book readers, Giant Days was a revelation. It broke the mold for storytelling and changed our expectations for what makes a good graphic novel. And for that, we’ll be forever grateful.

Check out my full review over at Monkeys Fighting Robots

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  • 30 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2019: Reviewed