Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

3 of 5 stars

Why oh why....

Come on Mimi, how can you do this to us?

I am in the position again of frustration with authors who don't give us the whole story. Why give us 2 books together and then make us wait months for the last one. I could maybe understand if there was a HFN or a feeling that there is hope, but I felt a little flat at the end of this one.

I don't get Mia's devotion to King and he doesn't give me any feelings or beliefs that he is doing anything that isn't self-serving. Because of this, I am not convinced that they are heading towards a HEA.

I will probably be reading the last book eventually, but I think their hit and miss connection has been drawn out too long.

I have been a fan of this author for a while and I hope her future work will not be full of cliffhangers and frustrations. Hopefully I will get to read the next book before I forget the storyline.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2014: Reviewed