Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

In "Forgotten Girls," FBI Special Agent Beth Katz is back, delving into the cold case of Stiles' sister's disappearance from over two decades ago. The case thrust Beth and Stiles into a thrilling and dangerous quest that puts lives on the line, promises shocking revelations, and challenges the very notion of right and wrong.

In the previous books, readers learn that Stiles' sister went missing over twenty years ago. They also discover how he has carried the blame all these years. Beth decides to help him find closure by investigating the disappearance. Beth, utilizing her adept computer skills, uncovered the shocking truth that Stiles' sister was still alive. This revelation unraveled a series of dark secrets, leading them to expose a network involved in pedophilia, human trafficking, and an illegal adoption ring.

The author really ramped up the suspense and Danger in this installment. My heart was lodged in my throat throughout the entire story. The villains are merciless and will do anything to maintain their operations and the influx of money. The case was deeply personal for both Beth and Stiles. We delve into Beth's history and discover why she is so deeply invested in this case. For Stiles, it reopened old wounds.

The Tarot Killer's brief appearance is so intense that it will have readers holding their breath as the scene unfolds.

Fast-paced and suspenseful, "Forgotten Girls" is a page-turner that will captivate fans of the genre.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 4 August, 2024: Finished reading
  • 4 August, 2024: Reviewed