Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Winning the Boss's Heart was a quick, sweet read. Billie just got hired as Mason's 42nd assistant. She needs the job, but she wishes he would have mentioned that he intended to completely remodel and sell the historic house that's the backbone of her town. He kept that to himself until she already signed the 12 week contract. Now Billie needs to stop him from destroying the historic site, put up with his outrageous schedule, and avoid falling in love with the sexy workaholic.

It's obvious where Winning the Boss's Heart is going, but that didn't keep me from enjoying it. I adored the banter between Billie and Mason. He calls her 42 instead of by name (it's easier), and as a response she calls him just about every male name out there except his own. Of course, they both have to be attracted to each other and fighting it until a night when they're trapped together and can't do work. It's not all sunshine and rainbows though, since Mason is stuck in the past and views Billie as a convenient hookup. Not what she wants to hear at all! Obviously, they work it out though, after several more fumbles on both of their parts.

I liked Winning the Boss's Heart a lot. There's even a sweet doggie thrown in the mix! I liked how Billie still did her job, while also finding a way to save that house which everyone loves without being underhanded or malicious. It would have been hard to root for her otherwise. In the end, everyone gets what they want.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 20 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 February, 2017: Reviewed