Command Me by Geneva Lee

Command Me (Royals Saga, #1)

by Geneva Lee

On her graduation day from Oxford University, Clara Bishop meets a handsome stranger. Without warning he pulls her close and kisses her before disappearing. She has no idea who he is until her photo is splashed across tabloids the next day.

Prince Alexander of Cambridge. The exiled heir to England's throne and a notorious bad boy. Clara knows she should stay away from him and his powerful and dangerous family.

But the kiss awakened something in both of them that won't be denied. As Clara navigates his treacherous world, she has to decide just how far she's fallen under his command...

Reviewed by chemicalscream on

5 of 5 stars


OH MY GOD. I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Prince Alexander..or maybe we'll call him X. He's the royal version of Christian Grey and he is absolutely YUMMY and maybe just as screwed up.

Clara Bishop is celebrating graduation from Oxford. She comes from new money and is half-american, though she's an actual british citizen. Her last relationship about broke her and she's not interested in meeting men. That is, until she stumbles upon a beautiful man smoking a cigar in the smoking room at the Oxford and Cambridge Club.
"Where there's smoke there's fire, and good lord, was he smokin'."

The moment she meets this man, who at this point has no name, the sparks start flying. She's instantly drawn to him.

"He had a face that would make angels weep and gods go to war."

When she introduces herself, he literally pulls her into him and kisses her. She tries to get a name of out him, so he makes a game of it and in the end she leaves this meeting not knowing his name. She does believe that he looks familiar to her, she's just not sure where from...

A few days later when a photo of her and the mysterious man snogging shows up in a tabloid, she gets his name. Turns out he is Prince Alexander, Heir to the throne of England.

After a tragic accident that costs the life of Alexander's sister, Princess Sarah, he's been exiled to the military where he spends 7 years. He comes back still an outcast, to a family and group of "friends" who are, for lack of a better term, serious ASSHOLES. The only exception there is his brother, Prince Edward.
Alexander is a broken man, who doesn't want a serious relationship. So when he calls upon Clara a few days after meeting her, they come to an agreement where they'll date low-key. Having had some bad experiences of her own in the past, Clara isn't interested in a serious relationship as well, but she does want to act on the chemistry between the two of she agrees to "date" him.
Eventually what is essentially a no-strings attached relationship develops in to something neither one of them bargained for... What will happen now?

This is a great book to read if you're a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, like I am, or if you're a fan of Romances that involve Royalty, oh that's me too! So when I read the synopsis for this book I knew I had to read it! ;) Most every girl wants to meet a Prince Charming, even if that Prince has a bit of a dark side... and Alexander definitely has a dark side. I liked Clara she wasn't like those other female protagonists that annoy the hell out of you. Her best friend, Belle, was great and very supportive of Clara and helped convince her to "date" Alexander! I also really liked Edward, Alexander's brother. He was there for Clara at times when no one else was.

Oh, and seeing as we're dealing with the Royal Family...There has to be some stuck up, bitchface luring around the corner..and there is! This girl fools you into thinking she's a friendly person..but soon you're all:

Oh man, the sex scenes in this book are SMOKING. They'll have you fanning yourself in no time. While not a lot of KINKY fuckery is happening in this book, the talk of Clara giving up control to Alexander does come up a bit..and I think if they're having the sexy times in book two..we'll probably see a bit more kinky.

One last thing, this book DOES have a cliffhanger that will leave you wanting more!! But no worries, book 2, In His Majesty's Service, is supposed to be out this fall! So the wait isn't THAT long.  :)


Thanks to the Author, Geneva Lee, and the Fifty Shades Support Group on Goodreads for allowing me to read and review this book. ;)

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  • 25 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2014: Reviewed