The Earl I Adore by Erin Knightley

The Earl I Adore (Prelude to a Kiss)

by Erin Knightley

Sophie Wembley is about to discover two hard truths: When planning a rushed betrothal, one must not be picky; and when the perfect earl happens by, one must not be shy . . .

After receiving word that her sister has eloped, even ever-optimistic Sophie has trouble staying positive. She needs to secure her future before the scandal destroys her prospects, although she doesn't relish the idea of a hasty marriage. But her longtime crush has just shown up for the summer festival in Bath. He may be the key to avoiding disgrace and getting a happily ever after . . . if she can bring herself to pursue him.

John 'Evan' Fairfax, Earl of Evansleigh, is one of the most popular bachelors in the ton. However, his easygoing ways hide a dark past he's determined to keep secret. Evan has always kept acquaintances at arm's length for self-preservation, but there's something irresistible about Sophie . . . and her seductive charms may well sway the confirmed bachelor to seize a chance at love.

Perfect for fans of Julia Quin, this witty, sweet Regency romance is bound to capture your heart

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Sophie Wembley’s sister has eloped and set the course for their family to be ruined. Sophie has only one hope to make a good match and that is to snare an eligible bachelor before anyone learns of her sister’s actions. There is only one person that she has her cap set for and that is Lord John “Evan” Fairfax, Earl of Evansleigh.

Sophie was adorable. She was clumsy, smart, and wore her heart on her sleeve. I cheered her on as she tried to win Evan’s affections. I was so proud of her to take the initiative and pursue him. I loved her philosophy on life to live life fully with no regrets and forgive as we go along the way. I found her to be a very wise and witty character.

Evan is a bachelor with no plans to marry. His family has a dark secret. The only way to keep the secret under wraps is remain single. He and his sister have made a pact not to ever marry. However, he is arrested by the gentle nature of Sophie. Despite his pact with his sister he is drawn to Sophie. I liked Evan’s character because he showed such fierce loyalty to his family. He genuinely liked Sophie and did not want to hurt her.

I was a little disappointed that the plot sort of tied up “the secret” so nice and tidy, but overall I really enjoyed reading this book. I will definitely read more works by this author.

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 8 November, 2014: Reviewed