The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa

The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3)

by Julie Kagawa

'Katniss Everdeen better watch out' - Huffington Post


Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the ultimate question: is she a human or monster?

With the death of her love she has her answer.


Embracing her inner darkness, Allie is now determined to hunt and kill Sarren, the psychopath who murdered Zeke.

But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren is leading Allie's dangerous fight to the one place she must protect at any cost - Eden, the last safe-zone on earth.

Forced into a battle that it may be impossible to win, Allie is...

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Reviewed by catiebug on

5 of 5 stars

This. I just... I'm at a loss for words.

This was an amazing end to an amazing series. So much happened in this book it was crazy. I feel like every chapter was full of action.

There was quite a few surprises and things that made me so happy and left me totally satisfied. All the ends were tied up just as they should be.

I just love this series so much and all the characters. I'm going to miss it.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2014: Reviewed