The Sky So Heavy by Claire Zorn

The Sky So Heavy

by Claire Zorn

A haunting dystopian novel in the vein of John Marsden from a brand new voice in Australian YA literature. For Fin, it's just like any other day - racing for the school bus, bluffing his way through class and trying to remain cool in front of the most sophisticated girl in his universe. Only it's not like any other day because, on the other side of the world, nuclear missiles are being detonated. When Fin wakes up the next morning, it's dark, bitterly cold and snow is falling. There's no internet, no phone, no TV, no power and no parents. Nothing Fin's learnt in school could have prepared him for this. With his parents missing and dwindling food and water supplies, Fin and his younger brother, Max, must find a way to survive in a nuclear winter ... all on their own. When things are at their most desperate, where can you go for help?

Reviewed by Kelly on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars
The Sky So Heavy was absolutely brilliant, I simply couldn't put it down and read it in it's entirety in one sitting. There is something so effortless with Claire Zorn's style of writing, it's realistic and gritty and that's a rarity in young adult today. This isn't your average apocalyptic, disaster dystopian, Claire has woven an story that brings the treatment of Australia's asylum seekers to light. I don't consider myself political whatsoever, and really didn't have an opinion either way, but the treatment of the group of teens trying to escape and access the city to survive wasn't too far removed from what happens on our shores each day, and it wasn't until I discovered The Sky So Heavy that it's the first time I've thought about how quick we are to exclude others, believing it's in our best interests to survive.

I loved twelve year old Max, he's sassy and smart mouthed and clearly has the personality and quick wit that bypassed Fin. My only complaint is that I need more, I want to know more about the self sufficient community, the environmental changes and just how the world, and Australia in particular will survive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for not only a follow up, but the potential for a trilogy even. I have to know what happens and Ms Zorn has left me in suspense. I shall stalk her now until she gives in.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2013: Reviewed