Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Glass Sword (Red Queen, #2)

by Victoria Aveyard

Perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series, Glass Sword is the high-stakes follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen.

Mare Barrow's blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court tries to control. The crown calls her an impossibility, a fake, but as she makes her escape from Maven, the prince—the friend—who betrayed her, Mare uncovers something startling: she is not the only one of her kind.

Pursued by Maven, now a vindictive king, Mare sets...

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Reviewed by Vicki on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

This was only so so for me. Still good but definitely not as good as the first book. Definitely a bit second book syndrome. Most of the book was just going from one place to the next to recruit newbloods. Didn't feel like that much happened. I also had trouble remembering all the new characters and what their special abilities were. Mare got to be annoying and the drama with Cal got real old real fast. I wanted to yell at her to get over herself. (show spoiler)

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  • 7 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 7 June, 2018: Reviewed