We Forgot Brock! by Carter Goodrich

We Forgot Brock!

by Carter Goodrich

The importance of imaginary friends is very real in this picture book adventure from the author of Say Hello to Zorro! and lead character designer for Despicable Me, Finding Nemo, and Monsters, Inc.

Phillip and Brock are best friends. Everyone can see Phillip, but only Phillip can see Brock.

A night at the Big Fair is all fun and games until Phillip gets sleepy, heads home, and forgets Brock!

Brock misses Phillip. And Phillip misses Brock. Will they reunite? With the help of another pair of pals, they just might. Because even imaginary friends get lost sometimes. Finding them is part of the adventure.

Reviewed by mrs_mander_reads on

4 of 5 stars

The illustrations are what really shine in this book. The illustrator depicts Brock as a pencil drawing, while the rest are painted-type images. I loved it, and love the story.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 November, 2017: Reviewed