Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic, #6)

by Sophie Kinsella

Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) thought motherhood would be a breeze and that having a daughter was a dream come true - a shopping friend for life! But it's trickier than she thought - two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping. She can create havoc everywhere from Harrods to Harvey Nicks to her own christening. She hires taxis at random, her favourite word is 'Mine', and she's even started bidding for designer bags on ebay. On top of everything else, there's a big financial crisis. People are having to Cut Back - including all of Becky's personal shopping clients - and she and Luke are still living with Becky's Mum and Dad. To cheer everyone up, Becky decides to throw a surprise birthday party - on a budget - but then things become really complicated. Who will end up on the naughty step, who will get a gold star and will Becky's secret wishes come true?

Reviewed by boghunden on

4 of 5 stars


Okay, so, I started this during Dewey's Readathon in October 2014 and it was the perfect book. It's been some time since I read the previous books in the series, so I wasn't really feeling up to it, because I'd forgotten why I liked these books so much.


Because they're hilarious. Sure, they are ridiculous as well, but I found myself laughing out loud a lot of times, and at one point I almost cried with laughter.

Truth be told, this book isn't a literary masterpiece. I don't mind though, because it made me laugh so hard, it made me flush and it even made me angry with Rebecca. Not that, in my book, is a good story, and that's why I think it deserves a high rating.

Rebecca and Minnie did get annoying, and even more so, and I even got annoyed with the book and thought that it would be somewhat of a disappointment, but then things turned around and I started to like the maincharacters again, and then, well, the book wasn't so bad!

Sophie Kinsella is an amazing author!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2014: Reviewed