Reviewed by Kelly on

1 of 5 stars

I'm a glutton for punishment.

3:AM Kisses is a new adult novel that follows the story of Baya and Bryson. Don't they already sound lovely as a couple? Baya is a naive virgin who is a freshman at the same university as her brother, who incidentally is also Bryson's roommate. He's the campus whore. Both young men mark notches into their door frames of how many female conquests they've bedded. So when the lovely little Maya walks in, of course Bryson wants her. She's the token virgin who is about to change his life. Now I know what you're thinking... Beautiful Disaster. But that isn't the case at all. It's all new adult. It's the one character with a secret that stops the relationship progressing. It's the needy virgin that is ready to jump on the first warm body thinly veiled as a love interest. Why? Whhhhy do I do this to myself. I know I'm not going to enjoy it, it's not sexy or worth of swoon status and I'm not one who enjoys writing negative reviews either.

But yet again, I've been sucked in by a book that promises sexy... And delivers flannelette pyjamas a an evening of knitting.

Let's talk about what new adult books are known for. Sex. Some authors take the slow approach and develop a healthy relationship between characters which progresses naturally. Others have virgins being slammed against walls like rag dolls. So how do we avoid the latter? When it comes to new adult, I've officially read my last book in the genre. That's it for me.

3:AM Kisses is actually more annoying than most, where it felt like even collage aged young adults are declaring their love after only what felt like days. Bryce's dialogue sounded like sonnets blooming in a field of roses when he spoke of his love for Baya. Say what? It doesn't matter how bad he wants in those pants ladies, no man is declaring flowery passages of love, especially when he's a newly reformed man whore. Every chapter ends in the same fashion, he wants her or she wants him and adding that they'll find a way to make it work, will make her mine, will make him mine and the likes. Every. Single. Chapter. What is the deal with that?

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  • Started reading
  • 16 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 November, 2014: Reviewed