Spellbinding by Maya Gold


by Maya Gold

When sixteen-year-old Abby traces her deceased mother's family to the Salem Witch Trials, the nightmares she has been having begin to make sense, but soon she is caught up in a love triangle and an age-old quest for revenge.

Reviewed by violetpeanut on

3 of 5 stars

Do you remember that movie Teen Witch? The one from back in 1989? Lots of you probably don't so here's the trailer and the blurb from IMDB:
Louise is not very popular at her highschool. Then she learns that she's descended from the witches of Salem and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to win the heart of the handsome footballer's captain. But soon she has doubts if it's right to 'cheat' her way to popularity.

Spellbinding is like Teen Witch minus the big hair, 80's clothing and Top That! rap scene.

Shortly after her 16th birthday, Abby starts having nightmares and strange things start happening. Louise Abby discovers that she is descended from one of the Salem witches and that she herself is, in fact, a witch.

I loved Teen Witch when I was 12 or 13 and I'm sure 12 or 13 year old girls will love Spellbinding. The book wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. The main character was a little bit whiny and came off as younger than 16. The story was very predictable and there wasn't anything really original.

I would recommend this to the younger teens with an interest in paranormal fiction.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 22 March, 2013: Reviewed