Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Murder in the Secret Maze by Judith Gonda is a story filled with so much mystery that makes it seem like Tory's life is a soap opera coming to life.

Can Tory connect all these murders that are happening in her family?

Tory Benning

Tory Benning is the new president of her family's landscaping business, Benning Brothers. We start with her wedding then the ultimate mystery of what could have happened to Milo. Well, that leads our girl to become a sleuth trying to figure out what happened to her husband, and then it just spiraled. Into something that I don't even think that Tory thought it would. What I like about Tory is that she staid faithful, knowing that Milo couldn't be this evil person that everyone is making him out to be. Another thing that I like about her is Tory's conversations with the police.

The Mystery

The mystery in this book starts with what happened to her husband, Milo, on their wedding day. We also find out about her dad being killed when she was dating Milo, and that leads the investigation to a new turn for the sleuth. Tory uncovers a lot about what her family has covered up. I had a hard time figuring this one out since I fell for one of the red herrings in here. The one thing I feel sad for Tory is dealing with that cop who just won't let go of what happened back in middle school between the two of them.

Five Stars

Murder in the Secret Maze by Judith Gonda is a big twisty maze of figuring out who could have had the most motive for killing some of the people that Tory knows. It was an entertaining book, and I can't wait to find out what Tory will get caught up in next. I am giving this book five stars and recommending it to all the cozy mystery readers.


Prize:  (3) Kindle Copy - Murder in the Secret Maze (A Tory Benning Mystery) by Judith Gonda

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This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 14 April, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 April, 2020: Reviewed