100 Heartbeats by Jeff Corwin

100 Heartbeats

by Jeff Corwin

It's no secret that our planet is in crisis. Environmental threats such as climate change, pollution, habitat loss, and land degradation threaten the survival of thousands of plant and animal species. In "100 Heartbeats", Jeff Corwin provides an urgent portrait of the wildlife teetering on the brink. From the forests slipping away beneath the stealthy paws of the Florida panther, to the giant panda's plight to climb ever higher in the mountains of China, Corwin takes readers on a global tour to witness firsthand the critical state of our natural world. Along the way, he shares inspiring stories of...Read more

Reviewed by nannah on

5 of 5 stars

I'm so biased. I've loved this guy since I was a small kid and watched Animal Planet every day (and when Animal Planet was actually about animals . . . ). He always seemed so genuine and intelligent and funny, it was so easy to be drawn to him! I've watched almost every show he's hosted. I'm only upset it took me this long to get my hands on this book. :)

Everything in here makes me want try to re-achieve my dreams of becoming a wildlife biologist/conservationist. Jeff Corwin's love and passion for life of all kinds comes through so earnestly through his words, it would be so difficult to remain unaffected after reading about all these animals who are endangered, were endangered, or are now extinct because of human actions.

Like he's said, we as humans aren't just observing from a distance, we're part of nature, too.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 19 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 June, 2016: Reviewed