Story of Little Babaji by Helen Bannerman

Story of Little Babaji

by Helen Bannerman

A retelling of the well-known tale in which a little Indian boy finally outwits the succession of tigers that want to eat him.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Everything was very cute about this book until the very end and I'm just left confused. Did the numbers have a specific meaning and I missed it? We read an edition from the inter-library loan that took FOREVER to get. It was a perfect size book (uh, around 5-6" square?) and my toddler absolutely adores carrying it around. I'm not sure that's the size of the current edition selling, but this was a 1996 copyright if I'm correct (ISBN 9780062050656 [b:The Story of Little Babaji|10702505|The Story of Little Babaji|Helen Bannerman||1252381]). I think it might be worth buying, we'll see. It's a recommended read for both Sonlight P3/4 and Memoria Press Junior Kindergarten, so we'll see. I think I also have a version around here in a treasury, I need to go look that up... The edition that I read said that the text was changes to give the parents authentic names, so I'm curious to see what a different version might say.

Okay, just found it, it is in [b:The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury: Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|238068|The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|Janet Schulman||230604] and it is actually the last story. While that is the treasury that somethings are really ruined by being compressed, I'm not sure that it ruins this one. There are six pages per page, and that does distract and I think it would be better in the handheld book, but the colors are brilliant and vibrant in this treasury. So maybe we'll get a little book copy too. We'll see. Hmm... Looking again the text is the same, but in addition to combining so many pictures per page, it appears that even some illustrations are removed completely. That definitely detracts! I guess this one goes on the wish list to buy if we find it for just the right price.

Reprinted and/or excerpt included in [b:The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury: Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|238068|The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud|Janet Schulman||230604].

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  • 5 October, 2012: Reviewed
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  • 5 October, 2012: Reviewed