Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


A man with many names…

Well, that was a wee bit heart pumping. I just finished Never Trust a Saint in one day. I don’t get to read all day much anymore. You know the drill, life gets in the way, people to see, places to go, all the other stuff that gets put ahead of reading. But today, my little man went off to his first overnight camp. Of course, he’s not stressed at all. I hardly even got a goodbye hug from him. Bloody boys, don’t they realise it’s HARD. Mum’s worry. Anyways…I was a little bit sad. No tears mind you just an underlying worry that he might get there and realise he does miss me. I know Ha bloody HA…AS IF!! So, to distract me from my worry I started reading and boy did I get sucked in.

I realised quickly that I needed to have my wits about me. The pace is fast, the explanations come to you rapid fire and the names whiz by if you’re not paying attention. I don’t read books like this one very often and I was surprised how much I was into it. There are rival gangs, FBI agents and drug lords to keep note of. Borders and areas mapped out for distributions and places where productions take place. It was explained well, but at times I had to re-read to make sure I got it all straight.

Nina is an FBI agent who specialises in fraud and money laundering. She and her partner of a year Garcia, are good friends as well. When a tragedy happens and Garcia is killed, Nina starts asking questions. Unfortunately, she asks too many questions to the wrong people. Next thing she knows she’s the target of a drug cartel. It’s time for Nina to GO WIDE – AKA – Get the F#*K out of town.

Who can she trust? Who should she turn to? One man charges into her life when she needs him the most. Who is he? Who does he work for? Why is he helping her?

The man with many names is a bit of a ghost. He steps out of the shadows when Nina needs him, takes out the baddies when she’s at risk and carries her to safety when the bullets are flying. He also has one smoking hot body…and he knows how to use it. ;)

Nina and the man with many names at times seem like they are working together. Then it seems like Nina’s on her own fighting the world. I never really knew who were the goodies and who were the baddies and that’s a good thing. I liked the intrigue and suspense.

Never Trust a Saint was a fast-paced thrill ride from beginning to end. There are shoot em up, bullets flying, showdowns that were bloody and violent. Death seems to be coming for Nina at every turn.

There is an immediate attraction between the main characters that produce some very hot scenes. While we can’t always tell who’s side the hero is on, it’s pretty obvious that he struggles to stay away from Nina.

I enjoyed Never Trust a Saint and I was impressed with the authors work. This is the first part of a series and I wait with bated breath for the next part of the story to play out.

I received an ARC of Never Trust a Saint from the author for an honest review.

To purchase Never Trust a Saint from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 17 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 March, 2016: Reviewed