Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

If there were any doubt about Brown writing a contemporary, I'm certain that Buried Alive will make everyone believe she's capable of doing so. I'm happy to say that this one has made my #RSFave list for 2018 and it's the first. I love that I'm starting out my year strong with some amazing reads.

The main that I love about Stacy's paranormal/fantasy reads is the storyline and how all of the characters draw you in during every page. I was curious to read how she'd make that happen with this contemporary read. Let me tell you, Buried Alive will take you on one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride. 

It's pretty clear from the beginning that Rhys and Hannah have their own dark past they're dealing with. As you make your way through the book, you get to not only see the shell of who they are, but their personal darkness that they're just wallowing in. When these two come together, the connection is instant, but secrets are there alongside with something familiar. The sad thing is that Hannah is holding quite a few secrets of her own and is trying her best to keep her distance from Rhys.

Rhys can't seem to get enough of Hannah, he's intrigued and nearly consumed by her. Rhys quickly figures out that she's hiding something from him, it becomes more noticeable as he slowly breaks down her walls. He doesn't push her too much, but you can slowly see her crack. 

The entire time, you'll be wondering what the hell the big secrets are. And boy, when you learn them towards the end ... it was not what I was expecting! It caught me completely off-guard and holy sh*t, I didn't see that coming. And that's when I knew that Stacey has contemporary in the bag. She had me hooked from page one, the struggles that both of her characters endured and how they were able to move past that pain and come together.

Prepare to have your mind blown by this heartbreaking and emotionally filled story! They both have so much to conquer before they get their happy ever after. Such an amazing read that doesn't disappoint!

**ARC provided for an honest review**



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  • Started reading
  • 3 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 January, 2018: Reviewed