Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


Pretty decent cover on this one. A great representation of the story. Good composition and title work. My only issue, the title is too far to the left. It should probably be centered.

I have pretty much said this a million times now but I will say it yet again. I do not think this author can write a book that I don't love. And again this one was no different. This was classic Natalie Bennett. Dark, twisted delicious mindfuckery at it's best.

Well written and well paced with an interesting plot that kept me turning the pages. It was dark. It was twisted. It had twists and turns. It had some hot dubious consent sex (don't judge me *lol*). Obsession and crazy combined in this one to give us two deeply fucked up main characters that I loved. Con....I love you. I don't even want to examine too carefully what that says about me. And Rose...well she was a woman after my own heart. I loved her as much as Con. BTW, don't think the secondary characters were any saner because they were NOT.

My only small issue was that I found the past/present timeline a little confusing at the beginning. The transition from prologue to chapter one was a bit clunky and left me confused. I think maybe a few transitional scenes between the two would have been beneficial in bridging them more coherently. I wanted to know what happened to Rose from the end of that prologue to the beginning of chapter one. One minute something happens to her and then she is in an entirely different place living a different life. It left me scratching my head a bit.

That issue aside, I loved this one. It was a great set up for Pernicious Red which you know I will be ALL over as soon as it's in my hot little hands. This gets a solid two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 6 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2017: Reviewed