Twist by Kylie Scott

Twist (Dive Bar, #2)

by Kylie Scott

"From New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott comes the second sizzling stand-alone novel in the Dive Bar series! When his younger brother loses interest in online dating, hot bearded bartender Joe Collins only intends to log into his account and shut it down. Until he reads about her. Alex Parks is funny, fascinating, and pretty much everything he's been looking for in a woman--except that she lives across the country. Soon they're emailing up a storm and telling each other their deepest, darkest secrets ... except the one that really matters. When Alex pays Joe a surprise visit, however, they both discover that when it comes to love, it's always better with a twist"--

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars


***IT'S ALIVE!!***

Best to fall in love with a personality than looks

I know I talk about my hubby a lot in my reviews and that’s because he’s my own true love story. Well, in this case, reading Twist was a wee bit close to home. See, when I first met my hubby he did not look like the guys I had previously gone out with. For starters, he had shockingly bad taste in clothes…hello, Tazzie Devil tie (shudders). He also grew his hair past his ears…I was a short back and sides type of girl. At the time his worst offence…was a toss up between us who weighed more (lucky, age helped me out with that one). Look, he was far from unattractive, but on first impressions, his appearance was not what attracted me to him. BUT…I SCORED when it came to personality. This man holds legend status (in my eyes) when it comes to thoughtfulness, affection, possessiveness and dedication. Basically, Kylie Scott has taken parts of my hubby and created Joe. I absolutely friggin LOVED Twist.

It’s not often you can get sucked into a book from page 1. In Twist, I was sucked in and not let up for air until the last page was turned. This left me sitting up at 11:00 at night with an awesome book finished and not enough time to write the review. I HAD to do this book justice and I know I’m not always firing on all cylinders close to midnight. I wrote down a few words to remind me of my feelings…and then proceeded to toss and turn until way past midnight thinking of ways to express my love for Twist. So, in essence, I should have just written the bloody thing.

These characters are alive. I mean, I could see them and I felt like I knew them by the end. I love the author's ability to make you fall in love with flawed characters…with perfect tendencies. By this I mean, they can appear good looking to us, but to themselves, they see faults. This doesn’t always apply to looks alone, their personalities can have flaws too. When these imperfections affect your life and happiness, it can take an outside force to get you to acknowledge these quirks. Sometimes, they’re not as bad as you think. A little contemplation can help you acknowledge them, and work towards fixing them if they need fixing or live with them if they're just a wee quirk.

The start and finish of this story had my emotions going haywire. What we are treated to in between is the stuff of magic. Joe and Alex’s love story was not smooth sailing but it was an adventure. There are hills, mountains and rivers to cross to get to their happy place. We also get the joy of catching up with some beloved characters. Unfortunately, those poor buggers are having their own versions of Mt Everest to climb. Your heart will break for them but the glue to fix it, comes from seeing them have such great friends and family by their side.

Twist, took me to the Dive Bar to catch up with friends. It was stage diving, dirty and full of twist...with a chaser to come.

It was bloody AWESOME!!


My late night edition -

I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore dodgy late night reviews so I thought I'd get some notes down to prompt me in the morning.

Bloody cringing...Bloody horrible...bloody good...bloody funny...bloody hell...bloody sexy...bloody pretty faced douchewaffle...BUGGER...bloody sad...bloody bloody way...bloody excellent...YAY!!!

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 March, 2017: Reviewed