Just One Day by Gayle Forman

Just One Day (Just One Day)

by Gayle Forman

From the New York Times bestselling author of If I Stay

Allyson Healey's life is exactly like her suitcase—packed, planned, ordered. Then on the last day of her three-week post-graduation European tour, she meets Willem. A free-spirited, roving actor, Willem is everything she’s not, and when he invites her to abandon her plans and come to Paris with him, Allyson says yes. This uncharacteristic decision leads to a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform Allyson’s life.
A book about love, heartbreak, travel, identity, and the “accidents” of fate, Just One Day shows us how sometimes in order to get found, you first have to get lost. . . and how often the people we are seeking are much closer than we know.
 The first in a sweepingly romantic duet of novels. Willem’s story—Just One Year—is coming soon!

Reviewed by Kelly on

4 of 5 stars

Thoroughly enjoyed Just One Day, and couldn't put it down towards the end. Allyson is a good girl, well organised, a hard working student just trying to make her parents proud. Willem is a mystery, we only learn snippets of his life, but never who he really is. Not forthcoming with any information, so when Allyson and Willem sleep together, I'm mentally yelling 'No one is going to buy the cow when they are getting the milk for free love'. My inner monologue is apparently my mother with her outdated views on sexuality. Anyway, maybe I'm missing the point, I mean, can you really fall in love with someone after only one day?

I can understand the connection, but is it really just the concept of having someone change your life, or the circumstances in which he left that morning. I'm not sure how anyone could live up to that.

Really enjoyed it, it was riveting (especially in the last third) and couldn't put it down. Can't wait for the companion book, as told from Willem's point of view after that year of seperation.

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  • 11 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 11 January, 2013: Reviewed