Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

A sweet goodbye to a wonderful series. I will miss the O’Briens greatly.

Saying goodbye to the O’Briens is like finding out your favorite cousin is moving across the country. I am going to miss them so much. The romances were sweet, the characters were delightful and the stories of their crazy childhood always made me laugh out loud.

In this final story, Seamus is taking some slack from his siblings for being thirty-seven and still spending his time with non-virtuous ladies of questionable upbringing, or as Wren would say, skanks. While his choices might be been perfect for a night of fun in his twenties, it seems a little sadder as he approaches forty.

The fact that Seamus will be attending the weddings of two of his younger siblings, and that all his siblings have found love and are settling down are causing Seamus to be a bit introspective…or as introspective as Seamus can be. No matter how handsome Seamus believes himself to be, part of his insecurity is that after their father died, it was Angus and Seamus who dropped out of school to provide for their younger siblings. Seamus doesn’t begrudge the sacrifice made for his siblings, but there still is a small part of him that doesn’t feel worthy of a better class of woman. Plus, he likes the way the skanks dress. It is while helping Wren with pre-wedding errands that Seamus stumbles into Allie and learns that he isn’t the only one with sibling issues and desperate need of a date.

Allie Mendes grew up in the same neighborhood as the O’Briens. In fact, she attempted to teach religious education to several of the younger O’Briens. Of course, Seamus only remembers Allie’s hot sister, Valentina, which makes Allie’s day all that much worse. Her sister is the only one anyone remembers and the only one her mother seems to care about. Valentina is the one who went on to become a successful model, the one who is an international success, and the one who stole the man Allie was going to marry. The man Valentina is now going to marry. Allie and Andres were both awkward geeks in high school. They lived together as they finished college, and Allie worked to support Andres through his masters. After Andres sold his invention to the government and became a multi-millionaire, Valentine stepped in and seduced him away. As Valentine was also Andres dream girl it wasn’t that hard to do, and that little bit of knowledge hurt Allie even more.

Allie is a successful real estate agent, but her mother measures Allie’s every success against her sister, who is more beautiful and more beloved by all. Her mother is also forcing Allie to be part of the wedding party of her sister and her former lover, with no sympathy for Allie’s feelings.

Seamus and Allie join forces to support and shield each other against the overwhelming happiness of their siblings. And while we celebrate the happiness and love of the O’Briens and their new spouses, we also enjoy the train-wreck coming in the form of Valentina’s wedding.

Seamus helps Allie stand up to her mother and step out her sister’s shadow, and as they spend time together, Seamus remembers the deeds of the sweet, lovely woman at his side and realizes that Allie outshown her sister as a person once you strip away the shallow fascade. If only Seamus can see beyond his own “shortcomings” and maybe they can find their own happiness.

I am really going to miss spending time with the O’Brien clan.

Received and ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review

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  • Started reading
  • 23 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 23 April, 2018: Reviewed