Breath of Scandal by Sandra Brown

Breath of Scandal

by Sandra Brown

Years after surviving a devastating attack, a young Southern woman returns to her hometown to exact revenge on the wealthy family who tried to destroy her.On a rainy Southern night, Jade Sperry endured a young woman's worst nightmare at the hands of three local hell-raisers. Robbed of her youthful ideals and at the center of scandal and tragedy, Jade ran as far and as fast as she could. Years later, Jade has never forgotten the sleepy "company town" where every man, woman, and child was dependent on one wealthy family. And she's never forgotten their spoiled son and his two friends, who changed her life forever. Now, she will return for her day of reckoning, free herself from fear, and stand up to the powerful family that could crush her in a heartbeat.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This is a story of revenge, redemption, healing, and a little romance. I’m still fairly new to Sandra Brown, but this was a really good one. Both the highs and the lows in the story are equally great. The only issue I had is that she uses the “sudden tragic event” as a plot device a little bit too much. There’s a lot that happens in this story… rape, betrayal, pregnancy, suicide, AIDS, terminal illness, allergic reactions, accidental death, car accidents, heart attacks… it’s a lot to take in. And I found myself getting frustrated with Jade when she wouldn’t share what happened to her with those that cared about her. I wanted to yell, “For cripe’s sake, just tell them already!” Yet, I could hardly stop myself from listening. Brown knows how to write sexual chemistry.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 March, 2009: Finished reading
  • 22 March, 2009: Reviewed