To Wed a Wicked Earl by Olivia Parker

To Wed a Wicked Earl

by Olivia Parker

Adam Faramond, Earl of Rothbury, needs to find a wife - immediately - or his beloved grandmother swears she'll leave him penniless. But Adam, an unrepentant rake, would only renounce a life of scandalous pleasure for one woman, the woman he's lusted after - and loved - for years. It's rather unfortunate, then, that Miss Charlotte Greene, a shy but beautiful blonde of impeccable manners and breeding, would never consent to be the blushing bride of a rogue ...or so he thinks. But Charlotte believes that the earl, the only man whose touch leaves her trembling with desire, would never want a woman like her. Weary of her wallflower ways, Charlotte decides a friendship with the earl just might give her the excitement she desires. Keeping their true feelings hidden, she and Adam plan a sham ceremony to placate the dowager. But when the 'marriage' of convenience takes an unexpected turn, will Charlotte and her wicked earl finally reveal their irresistible, unforgettable love - and delight in a lifetime of passion?

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

I lost interest about 40% in. I finished it but I kind of struggled. I just didn't particularly like either of the characters or the story. It was somewhat boring and somewhat stupid. Charlotte was an idiot and Adam was a lovesick puppy. And then there was a random stalker to make it more exciting. There were a couple of funny lines - Charlotte can't see without her glasses but insists on not wearing them (I can relate) and the grandma was amusing. But overall this was just average.

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  • 30 November, 2017: Reviewed