Go to Sleep, Monster! by Kevin Cornell

Go to Sleep, Monster!

by Kevin Cornell

Getting George to sleep is a nightmare.

But getting a monster to sleep That’s an adventure.

A funny and surprising twist on the typical monster-under-your-bed story.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Super silly, vibrant in color. Go to Sleep Monster is a great read for your Halloween shelf but also good for anytime around the bedtime stories hour. Supposed siblings cannot sleep. Anna cannot sleep because George won't turn out the light. He is scared of a monster. Who is scared of a monster. Who is scared of a monster and on and on until they get to the biggest monster of all. In truth the story is cute. While the illustrations would be a bit much for a board book I think the concept of the book would make an excellent bedtime board book. This is fun, a little dark, but in a goofy way.

Review book, honest opinion.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2016: Reviewed