Keep by Rachel Van Dyken

Keep (Seaside Pictures, #2)

by Rachel Van Dyken

My name is shouted on rooftops.

It's written on bras, on the inside of bathroom stalls, hell my name is everywhere.

To say my name is to experience an orgasm without ever leaving your damn house.

My name is Zane "Saint" Andrews.

I'm sex.

I'm a rock god.

I'm also...a virgin.

What they don't know won't kill them right? Give the people what they want. And what they want is the idea of me; the pleasure they gain at listening to my song and knowing without a doubt I'm talking about them and only them.

It worked for a while.

Until a nerdy girl with glasses falls at my feet, literally, and suddenly I don't want to be Saint anymore, what I want? What I really need?

Is to be kept.

By her.

This is a rockstar romance with lots of kissing, sex, funny one liners, and life from a different angle. I hope you guys enjoy, and remember, it's all about the mallow.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 stars

This book gave us a chance to get to know Zane a little better. He was a scene stealer in Capture, and when I learned more about what brought him to Seaside, it really broke my heart. He is battling so many demons, when he meets Fallon, she is able to bring him moments of peace and calm. I thought they were adorable together, and when the book's title manifests itself in the story, I definitely swooned. When the "conflict" of the story comes into play, UGGHHHH! Broken heart.

Overall, a fun read, with a couple that I was rooting for the whole time.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2016: Reviewed