Reviewed by Amber on

4 of 5 stars

Review here:

Overall, I'm really pleased with this sequel! There was none of the typical sequel slump that so many second books go through. Everything kept progressing at an equal pace with the first book.

Secrets is the theme of this book, and it shows just how dangerous and destructive secrets can be. I'm also really pleased with Callie's 'revenge'. I won't say any more, because I don't want to spoil you guys. But Callie is AWESOME in this book. She's really maturing and becoming an even more lovable character.

The characters definitely run the show in this book. There are so many awesome characters, who are either awesome because they're evil, because they're hot or just because they are made of awesome.

Alexis is an even bigger cow in this book, and I'm so surprised that Callie put up with all her crap.

Vanessa is even more annoying. She's set on being a bitch to Callie, even though Callie tries to sort things out betwween them. I also think Vanessa is a hypocrite who thinks she can do things to Callie but Callie is not allowed to retaliate in any way.


The side characters are hilarious as well, especially Mimi and OK, who are amazing.

I'm not pleased with how Clint and Callie's relationship turned out. Again, I shan't spoil you, but bah.

The ending is a HUGE cliffhanger - for me, at least - and I'm DYING to find out how it all turns out in the next book which was released this month!

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  • Started reading
  • 2 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 2 February, 2012: Reviewed