Reviewed by limabean74 on

5 of 5 stars

Becca is a die-hard Mutilated Arteries fan and when she meets the new member of the band without even realizing it she is thrilled but when the tour bus they are riding in breaks down and she gets to spend a week with him, she is in heaven. The boys are great but why don't they use their real names? Something isn't right and what happens when Becca realizes the boys aren't who she thought they are?

I totally loved the characters in this book. The boys of Mutilated Arteries, Nightmare, Ink, Corpse, Banshee and Sketch are adorable (not sure they would like being called adorable but they were) even loved their names. Becca and her BFF Carli are fantastic I really loved them, I love when an author can make them feel and talk as if they are real people. These are the type of characters I want to read more about and want their story to continue. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Becca and Sketch it was so cute but very intense and when things went the wrong way I was rooting for them the entire time.

The story is great I love the flow and the plot was fantastic. What I thought was going to happen didn’t and when they got to the diner and it hit me I was like OMG REALLY!?!?! Loved it. What a great twist, so different and worked very well.

Let me just say I'm so glad I am not the only one that believes stuffed animals might be sad if they are all alone and that they are super happy when you get them. Anteaters are adorable and now I want a stuffed anteater....just sayin :)

I gave Mutilate My Heart by Emily Godwin 5.5 stars. It is an amazing story and a lovable case of characters (they might not like to be called lovable either). I totally recommend this book to YA and Adults looking for a different read something that I haven't seen done this way. Emily Godwin is a great storyteller and I can't wait to read more from her and I can't wait for the next book in this series. I now have a new series to follow!!! YAY!!! I LOVED IT!!!

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  • Started reading
  • 25 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2013: Reviewed