Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I have read a few of Shewanda Pugh’s books and have liked them all and I was really excited to read her new book Love Edy, I was hooked from the start.

Edy and Hassan are best friends that live next door to each other. They are 14 at the start of the book and they both have feelings more than friends about each other but are both scared to tell the other. Each from different religion, it will never work. Hassan will be married off soon enough anyway .

How long can they last denying their feelings for each other? and when Wyatt moves in across the road and befriends Edy how much will Hassan take?

Edy was pretty ballsy, Hassan one of the lads but caring, Wyatt seemed odd, I didn’t trust him. Thinking back of when I was a teen I probably thought or said similar things that Edy did throughout the book which made me warm to her more.

The story flowed at a good even pace most of the way through the book, there were some slower moments but it did not deter me.

I love Shewanda’s style of writing and the huge shock at the end of the book has made me NEED to read book two as soon as it is available.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2014: Reviewed