Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

Wow, this is a debut! Seriously! As I mentioned in a previous post, I am seeming to be reading a lot of thrillers lately, and just to add to it, a lot are set in Scotland! Man, I really need to get my butt up there and do an author walkabout!! A big plus for me in this book is yay there is a Zoe in the book lol.

The story has brought Anna home, back to Glasgow, somewhere she has avoided being for quite a few years. She is back from her best friend Zoe’s birthday. Whilst in the bar, Anna bumps into Andrew an old school friend, they spend the evening chatting. I was expecting them to go home together and have some adult time, however this was not to be. Instead, Anna discovers the gruesome dead body of Andrew in a park and thrusting her into the limelight of the investigation.

I must admit I loved reading the characters speak with the Scottish dialect, and in my head, I tried to get the accent to the tee! Luckily I was not doing this out loud! Not sure my Scottish friends would appreciate my poor attempt. The writing and passion of the author is evident and the imagery is so vivid I felt like I could have been stalking the streets of Glasgow, something I may have to do.

I may be biased but Zoe was my favourite character, she was brash and funny, not one to mince her words. Had me wondering if the author had met me or something! The intensity of the story does not relent, so the humour in the book was well received in this dark and twisty book.

This book IS a fast-paced thrilling ride, that does not let you go until the final pages. There are many twists and turns, I mean why does the killer keep closing in on Anna, what is the link? Well sorry, I am not going to tell you that! You need to read it to find out!

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2018: Reviewed