Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

3 of 5 stars


The Sheriff struggled to keep his mind on the job.

***3.5 Stars***

I liked Escaping Memories. I wanted to love it, but it just missed the mark by a smidge. The best way to describe it is that it was like watching a soap opera instead of a big budget movie. We get lots of emotions shown to us in fleeting moments, but not necessarily why they have the emotions or what those emotions are based on. It was snippets of their lives that showed us the face value of their attraction and dedication instead of the gritty in-depth feelings. In their first meeting...feeling threatened she kicks out at him and to protect himself he holds her down to control her thrashing. She all of a sudden feels protected…He all of a sudden feels like a protector. Yeppers, it’s insta…something-or-other.

The heroine in Escaping Memories has no memory and when she stumbles into the sheriff’s cabin she knows she’s running away from something…and someone. Unfortunately, that’s all she knows. When the sheriff finds the broken and abused heroine in his cabin he’s shocked and astounded that another person in his town could have left this poor woman in this condition. He’s had a hard time with work and his faith in his small community is in tatters. The sheriff is determined to find this woman some justice and help her recover from her ordeal.

The journey for both the hero and heroine is bumpy. The heroine who goes by the name Doni is struggling in many ways. She feels fear deep in her gut, but can’t remember distinctly why or what from. The word Doctor makes her body shake with unease. Being in confined spaces or the dark freaks her out to the point of terror. The hero, Logan, feels frustration because, as sheriff, he should be thinking of her protection, not his attraction to her. With the circumstances as they are, both of them form an intense connection and a need to be in each others company. Slowly, they are able to piece together the puzzle and nudge Doni’s memories a little so that the crime can be solved and the guilty parties dealt with.

At times, I struggled with the way the small town was portrayed. Their disrespectful and blasé attitude towards the sheriff seemed a little OTT and when the FBI hit town they acted even worse. Mind you, the FBI didn’t exactly act very professional, so they probably deserved it. I didn’t feel like the investigation was taken seriously at any time throughout the story, it was all a bit of a shambles.

The couple was devoted to each other from the start. Doni is convinced that even when her memory returns, she will still feel as passionately about Logan and is convinced she hasn't left a loved one behind. Logan knows, even if Doni had someone else, he will fight to keep her in his life.

The sexy times were well written and their connection believable, even considering it was after a very short time of knowing each other.

Some of the issues I had with Escaping Memories could have been dealt with in a good editing. I didn’t have any problems with spelling or grammar it was more about the flow and wordy descriptions. There were times that I struggled to understand the meanings and terms used, but this could be because I'm not American.

Overall, I liked the story.

I received a complimentary ARC of Escaping Memories from the author for an honest review.

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 16 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 April, 2016: Reviewed