Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

The Mine by John A. Heldt will give anyone a whirlwind of emotions from the time Joel Smith steps into 1941 to the time he returns to his year of 2000; as Joel tries to go back to living a life without the love that he found in the past.

Joel throughout the book turns from this cocky and adventurous man to one that is still confident but doesn’t come across as a-know-it-all. He becomes more humble even if he is only 22 years old and trying to make do with his new life in the 1940s. He met and got to know his grandmother and her fiancée while knowing that they weren't going to end up growing old together. Also, knowing everything that the people around him were thinking about the impeding war and it was just going to get worse when it comes to December 7th in Pearl Harbor. What probably got me the most was that he knew he couldn't change their future.

John A. Heldt is such a fabulous author that he made me think about how I was living in the early 2000s again. I really like the setup of the story, letting us get to know Joel before being thrown back in time to 1941 so that we can fall in love with the character. Then the emotions we went through with Joel before finding out that he would go forward into time. And the hope for better times for the people that Joel loves. He made me feel all of that with Joel and it was an amazing experience to share the adventure and discover things with Joel.

Mr. Heldt you are such an amazing author and you should carry on with making these incredible books. Oh I am also giving this book a five butterflies rating as it was that amazing.

Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.


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  • 10 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2015: Reviewed