On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street, #1)

by Samantha Young

Jocelyn left her tragic past behind in the States and started over in Scotland, burying her grief, ignoring her demons, and forging ahead without attachments. When she moves into a new apartment on Dublin Street, she meets a man who shakes her carefully guarded world to its core. Braden Carmichael is used to getting what he wants, and he's determined to get Jocelyn into his bed. Knowing how skittish she is about entering a relationship, Braden proposes an arrangement that will satisfy their intense attraction without any strings attached. Jocelyn soon realizes that Braden won't be satisfied with just mind-blowing passion. The stubborn Scotsman is intent on truly knowing her-- down to the very soul...

Reviewed by leelu92 on

5 of 5 stars

Well, it was a 4.5 for me... a LOVE IT. BRADEN BRADEN BRADEN. I need more Braden. I need more Joss too. Joss frustrated me as much as she frustrated Braden. But, I loved that he never gave up. I really enjoyed this story from Joss's point of view- she was funny and she totally knew that her issues made her hard to connect with. Great sense of humor, too.
I'd definitely like to read more from this author and I hope she does more contemporary romance- I just really like her voice.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2012: Reviewed