Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann

Ask Me How I Got Here

by Christine Heppermann

Addie has always known what she was running toward. In cross country, in life, in love. Until she and her boyfriend her sensitive, good-guy boyfriend are careless one night and she ends up pregnant. Addie makes the difficult choice to have an abortion. And after that even though she knows it was the right decision for her nothing is the same anymore. She doesn t want anyone besides her parents and her boyfriend to know what happened; she doesn t want to run cross country; she can t bring herself to be excited about anything. Until she reconnects with Juliana, a former teammate who s going through her own dark places.

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

1 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

I'm a reader that loves free verse. I love Ellen Hopkins books and when Ask Me How I Got Here started, it sounded like an EH book so I was very excited and I even said so on a Goodreads status update when I started the book. I'm sorry to say that this story is pointless. It started off as if it was going to go somewhere and then it fell flat with nothing to go on. I feel like I wasted my time with this one.

As I mentioned, this story started so promising and then it plummeted right after. Addie was a character I had no sympathy for. She was awful most of the time and didn't really care for anyone but herself. I was hoping for her to grow as the story went on, but she kept getting worse in my opinion. The rest of the characters were no better but I can't really speak much for them since they didn't make much of an appearance. And when they did, they didn't impact me in any way.

One thing I love about free verse is the beautiful writing. I'm sorry to say this story lacked big time in having a great writing. I was left very disappointed on this end. As you guys know, I'm bad at DNF'ing a book but it came to a point where I wanted to stop reading and forget about this book. I couldn't deal with it at all. It took me 8 days to finish a book of free verse that has 240 pages... That's a lot for me.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend this story. Sadly, I have nothing positive to say except that it has a very strong beginning but you all know what happens after.

I received an eARC from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2016: Reviewed