Reviewed by Jo on

Originally posted on Once Upon a Bookcase.

After Jim of YA Yeah Yeah raved about The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer to me and several others on Twitter, I bought the eBook as it was cheap and sounded awesome. However, I didn't finish this book, and stopped reading at 41%. I wasn't enjoying it at all.

The two characters, Kendall and Payton are 19, yet they are so juvenile most of the time in the way they think, I just couldn't warm to them. This is generally, as well as about/with each other. They could both be a bit melodramatic. I started off rolling my eyes, but it became frustrated thoughts of, "Oh, for god's sake!" I really didn't like them.

You don't necessarily need to like the characters to enjoy a story, but this wasn't the only problem I had with the book. The plot didn't hook me, and there were multiple scenes that felt completely unnecessary. The writing felt kind of clunky in several places. And that's still not all.

The love story just didn't work for me. These two girls have been best friends for years, and then all of a sudden they're in love. Literally, everything is normal, and then within the space of minutes, Payton is in love with Kendall. Just like that. And as soon as Payton comes out to Kendall, her own feelings start to change. Granted, she takes her time coming to terms accepting what she feels, but the change happens super quick. It just wasn't realistic, so I couldn't believe it as I was reading on - and that along with the melodrama, it was just too much. Reading it became such a chore, and I knew, if I didn't stop, it would be good few days before I finished it, because I simply didn't want to read it.

Really not for me. However, there are people who have loved it, so do read some other reviews before making a decision on whether to read it or not yourself - try Jim's review over on The Bookbag.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 27 April, 2013: Reviewed